BATHROOMS: The bathrooms were cleaned out last December and a proper maintenance schedule set up to
ensure their “pleasantness of use.” Additionally, Josh ran ventilation pipes to further aid in the “pleasantness of use”
factor. He painted the interior walls and cut out windows for better lighting and secured up the doors. You won’t
believe the difference!
TRASH: Mike Pyeatt continues to provide our awesome FREE trash service and Josh tidied up the area by
repairing and staining the gate and wooden fence enclosing our trash barrels. In addition to being our “on-call” go-to
security guy, I think Mike also sneaks in when no one is looking and makes little repairs to graves just because they
need it. Thanks, Mike & Josh!
501(C)3 STATUS: In 1913, Congress exempted cemeteries from federal income tax via IRC 501(c)13, which is why
your donations have always been fully deductible. Over the last few years, it became more evident that a change in
status could offer even more financial benefits. Therefore, after some research and several meetings, the board voted
to move ahead with the 501(c)3 status application process, which began last November. Two weeks ago, we received
our official IRS determination letter establishing Rock Prairie Cemetery as a 501(c)3 exempt charitable organization.
Now we can take advantage of a slew of financial benefits like government grants (think Veterans Memorial, historic
chapel improvements/upkeep), discount on PayPal fees, half-price for our AirTable database system, and automatic
donations from Amazon of 0.5% of your total purchases (at no cost to you). [See page 4 to learn how you can make
Amazon pay us every time you shop!]
VETERANS MEMORIAL/SCATTERING GARDEN: The following is my feeble attempt at describing what you
can more easily see from the renderings displayed in the chapel, but
here goes . . . Perched on the hill above I-44, illumined flagpoles will
impress drivers by. They will border a granite wall containing the
names of all veterans interred or inurned at Rock Prairie (81, at last
count). A circular scattering garden made of — you guessed it — rock
. . . leading to the veterans memorial wall will have granite benches
encircling a central granite pedestal for private cremation memorials.
The entrance will have opposing granite walls to hold the engraved
nameplates of those whose remains have been scattered. And . . . all
of this encompassed by beautiful natural vegetation and/or large
picturesque “rocks.”
After lots of talking and dreaming, we are closer than ever to breaking
ground on this incredible addition to our cemetery. My description
does not do the project justice, so, please, take the time to come out
and see the renderings in the chapel — like the drivers-by, you are
sure to be impressed! Jim Carson has been hard at work obtaining
bids and company “pro bono” type donations, but a separate, more formal method of donation specifically to this
project will be forthcoming. In the meantime, until the project is completed, please refrain from scattering ashes at
random in the cemetery.
A penny . . . you stopped and paid your respects.
A nickle . . . you attended bootcamp with them.
A dime . . . you served in the armed forces with them.
A quarter . . . you were with the soldier when they were killed.